2012年1月11日 星期三


He is 20 right now.  It’s said he is crazy, but he’s just special. It’s said he is senseless, but he’s just numb. 但無所謂啦! 沒什麼好說的,該說的都由音樂來說吧!音樂對他來說是毒品,他需要不斷得注入才能獲得解脫。音樂對他來說是語言,他需要依靠創作表達自己的想法。
He is Walker Hsiao.

演出曲目:One Day

蕭邵樺 Vocal
王儀婷 Bass
邱亮鈞 Vocal
陳宇潔 電吉他
張易婷 Keyboard
莊凱程 爵士鼓組

五人組飄洋過海來到了歐美,充滿了各種民族的colorful land。我們看到了,在這些自由國度裡,主宰的一方拄著號稱淨化的權杖束縛了其他民族的自由。他們寫了一本無形的法條,上面記載著強弱的定義、美醜的界線與貴賤的劃分,這些無形的法條也因此無形得成為了世界共通的語言。世界病了,主宰者們廢盡心思,希望能讓世界變得更美好,於是他們抗議,他們選舉,他們改革……。這些人卻從未想過,平等的去愛每個人,才是和平與進步的開始。


We’re stuck in a place far from urban.
They love the green but they don’t care about us.
Shovel our land     For the better

We’re stuck in a street called Scovill
They love the neighbors while they’re afraid of us
Telling their kids     We’re dangerous

There is a song called We Are The World
We are the world     We are the children
There is a speech called I Have A Dream
The Dr. told us one day we will one day we will

Always say the world isn’t good enough
Always say the earth isn’t beautiful enough

Their pride build up a  high wall
The wall’s too high     
Like a shell     We never grow
Decade and Decade     It’s still there

Reflex of the sun makes colors shine
Not the color defines the others’ mind
No prejudice     Remove the class
Always say the world isn’t good enough
Always say the earth isn’t beautiful enough
Why don’t we just let the changes come
Every one deserve to being loved

On the next page of history
What would be written down
The Dr. told us one day
The Dr. told us one day

